about our
awaited event

Your painting is yours alone, where you see yourself between its lines and your spirit in the mix of its colors.Even if you're scattered and confused, your passion and art will help you to reach.

awaited Speakers

meet our 2024
high board

Mohannad Seiam


Ahmed Mamdouh

Vice Technical

Omar Khaled


Mohamed Amr

Vice Non-technical

Moaz Mostafa


Our Committees

Now we will present a brief overview of our committees

FR committee

the money makers.

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The committee where the operations of all processes in projects, events, and any activity made 1. Prepare for any logistical work related to meetings, events, sessions or any other activity. 2. Know about the prices change in different markets. 3. Get all materials needed for the team's activities such as: T-shirts, Pins, stickers, booths, data show, and decoration works. 4. Prepare for accommodation, food and coffee break for any activity 5. Buy component for competitions 6. Prepare a good offer to sell anything we want to sell 7. Make the competitions track 8. Involve in planning process of any event considering the knowledge it has about needed project's qualities and prices.

Media committee

social media wizards.

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The committee responsible of the online exposure of the team and brand positioning by photography, designs, videos, video editing, and social media. And facilitating the tasks of the other committees by IT. 1. Plane and implement online creative marketing strategies that serve the team needs. 2. Schedule the timeline of implementing the online marketing campaigns. 3. Design and develop the website and mobile app of the team and be responsible of saving its security. 4. Spread information about IEEE (achievements, team history, events….etc) online. 5. Manage the team's social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc) to make it famous and valuable. 6. prepare designs for the team portfolio and sponsorships 7. prepare a system to save our data online easily and safely 8. Design all printed materials (T-shirts, flyers, pins,….etc). 9. Document all the team activities in photos and videos.

PR committee

the people's people

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Public relations are the offline voice and image of the team in all occasions, responsible for the brand image of the branch and advertising activities of our entity. 1. Responsible of the permissions needed from faculty or university administration. 2. Responsible of getting all governmental permissions or legal papers required for any activity. 3. Facilitate the communication between IEEE BUB SB and other people outside the entity (VIPs, guests, speakers, etc…). 4. Contact with public speakers needed for any event and make database for them. 5. Planning for publicity strategies and campaigns. 6. Keep a good image of the team, market the team, and create a good brand name for it. 7. Promote any event that is held by IEEE-BUB SB by ushering on the ground. 8. Make strong relations with other IEEE branches. 9. Establishing a database for media platforms and contacts to keep the team and its updates exposed and published to the team's audience. 10. Pitch relations with media sponsors and press partners. 11. Create and write the 'approach script' for any external dealings, the script of ushering in the recruitment and events, the script of any press releases done for the team's progress/projects and TV/online interviews scripts. Assuring it to be casual and suitable enough for the type of audience they are approaching.

HR committee

the bosses

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The committee responsible of the formation and development of team's manpower, and also the point system and motivation system 1. Prepare our system and rules , Maintain them and supervise their implementation 2. Identify the functions and responsibilities of everyone within the entity 3. Establish the electoral system and supervise the election 4. Determine the vacancies in each committee and recruit new members to fill this deficit by interviewing, hunting or any other method 5. Determine the appropriate job for each member and his appropriate place by knowing his skills and performance rate and vacancies in each committee to reach the ideal situation of man power planning. 6. Preparing, maintaining and continuously developing the database of our members 7. Identify ways of communication between members, committees and different positions and the mechanism for doing so 8. Follow up the work done within the entity 9. Collect all the documents and reports and save them all 10. Prepare the evaluation system and , Maintain it and supervise its implementation

logistic committee

organizing masters.

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The committee where the operations of all processes in projects, events, and any activity made 1. Prepare for any logistical work related to meetings, events, sessions or any other activity. 2. Know about the prices change in different markets. 3. Get all materials needed for the team's activities such as: T-shirts, Pins, stickers, booths, data show, and decoration works. 4. Prepare for accommodation, food and coffee break for any activity 5. Buy component for competitions 6. Prepare a good offer to sell anything we want to sell 7. Make the competitions track 8. Involve in planning process of any event considering the knowledge it has about needed project's qualities and prices.

Scientific committee

technology pursures

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The committee is responsible of the scientific development of team's members, through courses, sessions lectures, etc considered as the most important committee in the team. 1. Organizing scientific sessions for students. 2. Educate its members and equip them to compete in competitions. 3. Training for the rest of the team(courses required) as a service against their volunteering work. 4. Providing scientific articles in cooperation with the coordination team or without. 5. Provide a consulting team to assist students in their questions and scientific projects.

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mohamed sallam

Mohamed Sallam

Web head


Ahmed sarag

Flutter head

Osama Ayman

PS head

Mohamed Osama

Arduino head

Adnan Adel

Embedded head

jana Ahmed

FR head

renad Ahmed

PR head

Maram Nasser

logistics head

Rawan Waleed

Media head

Esraa Dyaa

HR head